The word ‘stress’ itself gives one’s mind a tendency to over think or worry about something or the other. It is something that a teenager or an adult in fact everyone, even a small ant deal with on a regular basis. However, prolonged stress that goes unaddressed or untreated can welcome many other physical as well as mental troubles into one’s lives.

Each and every person on this entire planet is unique in their own way, even the identical twins and so each one of them have a different lifestyle and personalities, similarly the reason or cause to their stress is like chalk and cheese. Yet, everyone have similar emotional and physical symptoms.

Emotional Stress Symptoms include:

  • feeling frustrated or agitated
  • overwhelmed and teary
  • anxious
  • having a low self-esteem
  • avoid interacting anyone socially

Whereas, Physical Stress Symptoms include:

  • difficulty falling asleep or sleeping, digestive issues
  • dizziness and nausea
  • sweating excessively
  • any kind of a substance abuse to seek comfort
  • experience chest pains or palpitations

All in all to reduce these symptoms in order to take care of ourselves, one should seek help from the professionals.

Role of a Therapist in dealing with stress

Talking to an expert about the difficulties one has been experiencing can help understanding and underlying issued that may be the reason behind all that stress. For instance, one has low self-esteem and working with their therapist, they can identify the stress triggers and discuss ways of preventing or coping with them.

There is no such thing as magic that could help one relieve stress. One could simply make efforts to control it and for which a helping hand of a professional would do wonders. As the therapist could suggest effective stress management techniques which would involve selecting a variety of ways to deal with stress and putting it into practice over a period of a time. A particular stress management technique might be effective on a few occasions, but not for ever and a day, thus one needs to be ready to implement new ones at any given time. Lastly, this use of stress management procedures could help one grow from the stress in their lives rather than being helpless by it.

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